Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just another project...

Well, since my family was completed four months ago, I feel the need to constantly take pictures of them and keep up with our family and friends. However, with three children ages 4 and under, actually DOING that--finding time to communicate with those I love--does not always come to pass. So, in an attempt to keep one and all in the loop, here it goes...the Piwetz family blog. I hope to pull you into some of the monotony, some of the excitement, and some of the everyday joy and craziness of our daily life.


Unknown said...

This is great. I am so excited that I will see more great pictures and read stories about your family.


traisha said...

So gald we can finally keep up with you guys we only like 5 houses over and its still difficut to catch up with you. Traisha Love ya

Unknown said...

Yea, Welcome to the the wonderful world of blogging!